Press area

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 03.09.2019

23th Sept 2019
The environmental crisis is a moral crisis

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 03.09.2019

3th aug 2019
Alex Bellini on the plastic island: "Alone, in a lifeless debris soup"

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 19.08.2019

19th aug 2019
The Tower and the rower

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 16.08.2019

16th Aug 2019
Environment, the explorer Alex Bellini sets sail for the Great Pacifc Garbage Patch: "Consume less to save the planet"

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H Edition – Summer 2019

Type: Link - Uploaded on: 09.08.2019

Summer 2019
from pag 45 to 73

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 25.07.2019

25th july 2019
The journey with my row boa to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Pollution is killing us

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 15.07.2019

15th july 2019
The environmentalist mission
The adventurer from Aprica, he will start from San Francisco to reach the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

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Radio Popolare

Type: Link - Uploaded on: 09.06.2019

09th june 2019
All you need is pop 2019, festa di Radio Popolare

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 29.05.2019

29th may 2019
Traveling with Alex Bellini, the man who navigates the plastic rivers

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 21.05.2019

21th may 2019
Genoa, the "Porto Antico" becomes plastic free

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 16.05.2019

16th may 2019
Guida TV di La

prime time on Rai 3 channel tv, interviews with Domenico Iannacone, in this episode the solitary explorer.

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 15.05.2019

15th may 2019

The sacred Ganges "profaned" by human pollution

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 02.05.2019

2th may2019
Italy tries on 50 shades of ESG

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 27.04.2019

27th apr 2019
No Planet B

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 26.04.2019

26th apr 2019
«Me, an adventurer with a sense of time»

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 26.04.2019

26th apr 2019
Alex Bellini: ""We must continue to believe that every single action can save the planet"

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 22.04.2019

22th apr 2019
Alex Bellini: travelling against plastic

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Il Sole 24 Ore

Type: File - Uploaded on: 20.04.2019

20th apr 2019
Il Sole 24 Ore, Cover + Pag20

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Type: File - Uploaded on: 18.04.2019

18th apr 2019
Grazia page 52

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Type: File - Uploaded on: 17.04.2019

17th apr,
Panorama pag. 54 + Panorama Green pag. 51

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 13.04.2019

13 apr 2019
"10 Rivers 1 Ocean": Alex Bellini and the plastic journey that many people ignore

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 12.04.2019

12th apr 2019.
"10 Rivers 1 Ocean": Alex Bellini and the plastic journey that many people ignore

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 11.04.2019

11th apr 2019
«10 rivers 1 ocean»: the new adventure of Alex Bellini in the world submerged by plastic

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 10.04.2019

10th apr 2019

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