23th Sept 2019
The environmental crisis is a moral crisis
3th aug 2019
Alex Bellini on the plastic island: "Alone, in a lifeless debris soup"
16th Aug 2019
Environment, the explorer Alex Bellini sets sail for the Great Pacifc Garbage Patch: "Consume less to save the planet"
Summer 2019
from pag 45 to 73
25th july 2019
The journey with my row boa to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Pollution is killing us
15th july 2019
The environmentalist mission
The adventurer from Aprica, he will start from San Francisco to reach the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
09th june 2019
All you need is pop 2019, festa di Radio Popolare
29th may 2019
Traveling with Alex Bellini, the man who navigates the plastic rivers
21th may 2019
Genoa, the "Porto Antico" becomes plastic free
16th may 2019
Guida TV di La Stampa.it
prime time on Rai 3 channel tv, interviews with Domenico Iannacone, in this episode the solitary explorer.
15th may 2019
The sacred Ganges "profaned" by human pollution
2th may2019
Italy tries on 50 shades of ESG
26th apr 2019
«Me, an adventurer with a sense of time»
26th apr 2019
Alex Bellini: ""We must continue to believe that every single action can save the planet"
22th apr 2019
Alex Bellini: travelling against plastic
20th apr 2019
Il Sole 24 Ore, Cover + Pag20
17th apr,
Panorama pag. 54 + Panorama Green pag. 51
13 apr 2019
"10 Rivers 1 Ocean": Alex Bellini and the plastic journey that many people ignore
11th apr 2019
«10 rivers 1 ocean»: the new adventure of Alex Bellini in the world submerged by plastic
10th apr 2019
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