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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 08.04.2019

08th apr 2019
Explorer to trace flow of plastics down 10 rivers into seas

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8th apr 2019
Plastic Island in the Pacific, the mission of Alex Bellini "10 Rivers 1 Ocean"

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Sky Sport

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Episode of 8th apr 2019

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 08.04.2019

8th apr 2019
Alex Bellini, "10 Rivers 1 Ocean". Traveling to save the seas from plastic

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 05.04.2019

5th apr 2019
Plastic rivers

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 02.04.2019

Apr 2 2019
How is Alex Bellini's expedition going? This week's diary, the one of the arrival in Calcutta

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Gentleman Green 2019

Type: File - Uploaded on: 01.04.2019

01 apr 2019

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Corriere della Sera

Type: File - Uploaded on: 01.04.2019

Corriere della Sera, first Apr. 2019 p. 21

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 22.03.2019

22nd march 2019.
How is Alex Bellini's expedition going? This week's diary, and a thought about the World Water Day.

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 15.03.2019

15th march 2019.
10 rivers 1 Ocean started from the Ganges river.

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Type: File - Uploaded on: 08.03.2019

Navigating the 10 most polluted rivers in the world and witnessing the accumulation of plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch: first week in India for Bellini.

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Kilimangiaro – RaiTre

Type: Link - Uploaded on: 07.03.2019

Episode of 3rd March 2019.
Alex Bellini live from India.

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 07.03.2019

Episode of 4th March 2019.
A journey along the 10 rivers most polluted by plastic: the new challenge of the explorer Alex Bellini.

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La Stampa

Type: File - Uploaded on: 07.03.2019

2nd March 2019.
With my raft on the Ganges hunting for plastic.

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Secolo XIX

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2nd March 2019.
Alex Bellini, from the Ganges the long route on the plastic that suffocates the Oceans.

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Type: Link - Uploaded on: 01.03.2019

The first march 2019.
Alex Bellini, from the Ganges the journey backwards of plastic

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Ambiente – quarterly

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Marzo 2019
from page 54 to page 58

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TG2 Costume e Società

Type: Link - Uploaded on: 28.02.2019

Episode of 26th february 2019
Alex Bellini arrives in India to start a new adventure.

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Type: File - Uploaded on: 28.02.2019

28th february 2019
War on plastic. Let's go with Alex.

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Vanity Fair

Type: File - Uploaded on: 28.02.2019

27th february 2019
The trash navigator.

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Il Giorno

Type: File - Uploaded on: 28.02.2019

25th February 2019.
Sail the Ganges, Alex's last challenge.

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SportWeek – 23rd february 2019

Type: File - Uploaded on: 28.02.2019

23rd february 2019.
My mission (on a raft) in the most polluted waters in the world.

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